
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Why did I choose my major?

Oka!. Since I was little I used to play with my sister to create paper money and I thought I worked in a bank to lend her money so she could buy toys haha, the bad thing is that we always got angry because he gave him a lot of money and I did not want to lend him more, that's what I remember that one of my dreams as a girl was to be able to work in a bank, obviously I grew up and that was not what I wanted to dedicate the rest of my life to. Pedagogy along with what I am studying now was a great subject and a difficult decision to make and that I like very much, but what finally led me to decide was a pedagogical exit that I had in fourth grade for the specialty I was studying. (tourism), a talk about the conservation and care of the native forest and pff, it was what I loved and led me to decide between the two. From my experience in college so far I must say that it doesn't even compare to what I expected, I must admit that I have been on the verge of freezing the specialty d

My Biography

 Ok here I go:) Hi! my name is Mariela Núñez, I have nineteen years old, I live in Ránguil a town in the sixth region with my mom, my sister and grandmother, with my family we meet at my granmother´s house on Sundays for lunch and then we go for a walk in the afternoon. I like to play soccer and actually I belong to a soccer team called "Fem Lolol". I have a dog, his name is Terry and he is very important to me because he has been with me since I was very little, he is very naughty and he loves to play with stones. I love legumes but I´m not very good at preparing them haha, I have to experiment more in the kitchen!