
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

My favorite Piece of Technology

  Lately the cell phone has become essential for me to carry out various activities, to be able to carry out work, evaluations, which have to do with the university, make video calls to feel the people who are far closer, among others. I think I have become very dependent on it lately since I have not had a computer for a month so it has helped me a lot, I spend most of the day in it and that makes me tired of it at the end of the day. I think it is a device that facilitates many things and is highly recommended, although I do feel that it makes us very dependent and takes away a little life and the ability to share and talk with others. I very much support it is good use, but I have realized that it is use in excess hinders the personality, the topics of conversation, not being able to function well, being more shy, etc.